Light Cone Video Tutorials

The light cone was created to solve difficult photography problems such as dealing with reflections from a shiny product in a room. By using a three-point lighting setup with basic speed lights and positioning the light cone over the product to line up with the camera lens, the result is a wonderful and controlled image with production quality lighting. The light cone is easy to use, simple, cost-effective, and enhances the abilities of basic speed lights for photographers.
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This video discusses using studio lighting with a light cone for product photography. The light cone is a modifier that can be placed over the light to create smoother and more even lighting on the product being photographed. The video demonstrates how to position the lights and the light cone to create the desired gradations of light on the product. It also warns of the heat generated by the modeling lamps in the studio lights and advises against placing them too close to the product for extended periods of time.
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In this video, Karl Taylor demonstrates how to achieve perfect white backgrounds for product photography without any cutouts and with beautiful lighting. The technique involves using a glass or clear acrylic sheet raised off the ground, illuminating the white surface underneath it, and bouncing the light off a white reflector. By introducing the Karl Taylor light cone, the lighting can be transformed by creating the right diffusion levels to make the product look more attractive. This technique is especially useful for photographing difficult-to-shoot items such as highly polished chrome door handles and jewelry. The result is a combination of perfect white backgrounds and beautiful lighting for e-commerce or catalog sites.
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Introducing the Karl Taylor Light Cone, a lighting modifier designed for product photographers to simplify the process of taking great product shots of difficult subjects for e-commerce catalogs and websites. With its easy-to-use design and instructional videos, the light cone allows for easy control of light and achieving a perfect pure white background with no shadows or reflections. Designed by a professional product photographer with over 25 years of studio experience, the light cone comes in multiple sizes and can be used with a variety of light sources, making it highly effective and economical.
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