Hiding the hole: Overcoming Reflections in Light Cone Product Photography

Product photography plays a crucial role in showcasing a product's features and qualities. However, certain challenges may arise when using a Light Cone, especially in relation to reflections caused by the opening for the camera's lens. In this article, we will explore various techniques to overcome these reflections and capture stunning product images.

Understanding the Role of the Light Cone

The Light Cone is a key component that provides wrap-around lighting to enhance the visual appeal of the product. It surrounds the product, creating a beautiful illumination. However, the opening for the camera's lens can sometimes cause unwanted reflections, impacting the overall appearance of the product.

Adjusting the Light Cone

One simple technique to mitigate reflections is by adjusting the position of the Light Cone. By moving it slightly, you can often eliminate the majority of the reflection. This straightforward adjustment can make a noticeable difference in the final image.

Shifting the Product

Sometimes, the reflection issue may be related to the camera angle or the product's position. By shifting the product slightly, you can alter the reflection's appearance. Follow these steps to address the problem:

  1. Move the product slightly to a different location.
  2. Replace the Light Cone in its original position.
  3. Adjust the camera position to align with the new setup.

By repositioning both the product and the camera, you can often find a more favorable angle that eliminates the unwanted reflection.

Angling the Product

Another technique involves adjusting the angle of the product itself. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Remove the Light Cone temporarily.
  2. Place a small piece of blue tack or a block under the product to create a new perspective.
  3. Angle the product to capture a different view.

By introducing a subtle change in the product's angle, you can achieve a reflection-free shot. Additionally, modifying the camera angle or adjusting the tripod legs can offer alternative perspectives on the product.

Changing the Focal Length

If the reflection still persists, altering the focal length of the lens can often provide a solution. By changing the lens's focal length and making slight adjustments to the camera's position, you can eliminate the reflection caused by the opening of the Light Cone. Experiment with different focal lengths until you achieve the desired outcome.


Reflections caused by the opening of a Light Cone can pose challenges in product photography. However, by employing various techniques, you can overcome these issues and capture captivating images. Remember to adjust the Light Cone, shift the product, change the angle, and modify the focal length to find the best approach for your specific scenario. With a little patience and experimentation, you can achieve professional-quality product photographs that highlight the true beauty of your subjects.

V-Flat World Light Cone x Karl Taylor - Large

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